Testing Practice and Resources
Testing Center
Welcome to the Trinidad State Testing Services Page. We invite you to contact or visit the Testing Center in the Library Room 218 in Trinidad or Room 202 (Learning Center) on the Valley Campus to take your tests listed below.
Testing Center - Unit Mission Statement
The Trinidad State Testing team is committed to supporting students to increase access
to college, complete degrees and certificates, persist in classes and/or transfer
successfully to a four year college through assessment and exit interview support
tools and referrals.

International Designated School Official
Trinidad & Valley Campus

- Placement Survey, Testing Center Hours and Contact Info
- The Trinidad and Alamosa campuses require appointments for all exams
- Pearson VUE exams must be scheduled on the respective site
- Students who use testing accommodations must schedule all exams seven business days in advance
Photo IDs- Photo IDs are mandatory in order to test.
- They must be current and not expired. Some exams may require a Secondary ID.
- Test staff are required by contract to only accept the proper ID for exams
- Don't schedule an exam if you don't have the proper identification
- If your ID has been lost or stolen you will not be able to test until you have the required photo ID
Acceptable Primary Photo IDs include:- Driver's License
- Military ID
- State ID Card
- Passport
- TSC Students may use their TSC Photo ID for Instructional and college placement exams
- Concurrent Enrollment students may use their high school or library photo ID card for college placement exams
Test Taker Misconduct- Giving or receiving assistance of any kind to or from another test taker during the exam session
- Using any testing aid not permitted by your instructor or exam sponsor
- Attempting to take the exam for another person
- Test Takers talking with each other during a test session
- Tampering with the operation of the computer or attempting to use if for any function other than taking the test
- Distracting other Test Takers in any way
Restricted Items- Hats, Coats, Gloves, Hoodies
- Watches
- Drinks, water bottles, food
- Cell phones, iPads, iPods, Palm PDA's, other electronic devices
- Eyeglass cases, pencil cases, calculator cases
- Sunglasses, purses, backpacks, wallets, keys
- Headphones or earbuds
- Others as determined by exam type
** A locker and a lock are provided to store all items which are not allowed in the testing center
Testing Center Exam Payment
Contact our business office in (719) 846-5547 to pay the testing fee.
You will need to bring a receipt with you the day you are scheduled to test. If you pay via phone, an email will be sent to our testing centers to verify payment was received.
The College-Level Examination Program ® (CLEP) helps you receive college credit for what you already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course. Developed by the College Board, CLEP is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program, available at more than 2,900 colleges and universities. Pass any of the 33 CLEP exams and achieve your college and career goals.
If requesting accommodations for Accuplacer or CLEP testing, please provide current disability documentation to the Disability Services office on campus to ensure reasonable accommodations are arranged in a reasonable time.
- Accommodations may vary from college to college.
- For other professional certification or licensing testing, please refer to their websites to request their accommodation process.
If you are a student attending another college and would like to have your tests proctored at Trinidad State College, please contact the Coordinator for either the Trinidad or Valley campuses listed above for details on scheduling and pricing.
What is the GED?
The General Educational Development (GED) test is a battery of examinations administered by states and jurisdictions to measure the skills and knowledge similar to a high school course of study.
- GED graduates earn a GED credential
- Test preparation can be found by visiting the Foundational Skills Institute at CCD
- Visit the official GED website for more information.
- Study Resources
(The link provides direct access to online study materials and resources. Trinidad State is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained on this site.)
Format & Time of the GED
Computer based Consists for four modules with a variety of question types: Science - 90 Minutes Social Studies - 90 Minutes Mathematical Reasoning - 115 Minutes Reasoning through Language Arts - 150 Minutes
How to Schedule
To register visit: GEDcomputer.com or call GED Testing Service Registration Call Center at 877.392.6433 Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm CST. The Testing Center does not schedule appointments for the GED.
ID Requirement
A valid government-issued ID is required. Candidates under 16, wishing to test, must complete an age waiver prior to testing.
Cost varies depending on state and Testing Center. Testing fee is paid at time of registration. To find out specific costs, visit the GED website.
Test results are available within 24 hours after completion.
Retest Information
You may retake the exam three time per year. The same fees apply when retaking the test.
- If you are needing to take a Pearson Vue Exam and are having trouble setting up the exam through external efforts, please contact us for assistance.